Make a clean break from Messy Habits…

Little changes to your daily routine can speed up your cleaning by preventing your house from getting dirty in the first place. Everyone is “time constrained” or “energy constrained” when it comes to cleaning.
Through daily habits that do not generate filth in the first place, you can keep your house cleaner. A few seconds or minutes of preventive maintenance can up up to hours of time saved on cleaning day.

To keep yourself sane and to make maximum use of your cleaning time, cleaning pros recommend that you follow this guidelines:

1) Keep your cleaning supplies together. Before you start, gather your equipment and cleaning products and load them in a tray, apron, or bucket. You won’t waste time running from room to room for supplies.
2) If it is not dirty, don’t clean it. Don’t waste time and energy sanitizing an unused bathroom just because it is cleaning day.
3) Spot-clean whenever possible. Don’t clean the entire oven when only the glass door has a grease mark.
4) Don’t Scrub. Let the cleaning solution do the work for you. Spray tough spots like soap-scummed shower wall with cleaner and let it soak while you clean something else. This way you will make double use of your time and save elbow grease.
5) Less is more. Use only as much cleaning product as you need. Using too much is a waste of money and it means more time mopping up the excess