Carpet cleaning and sofa cleaning services that takes care of any stains

carpet and sofa cleaning services in Kenya

The carpet and the sofa are the two most neglected places to clean in the whole house. These are also some of the toughest places to clean in the house. A lot of dirt gets collected here and stains on the sofa or carpet can be a nightmare to clean. No matter how much you try avoiding stains on your expensive carpet or sofa, they always seem to appear.

The damage stains do to your carpet or sofa:

Water or any other liquids can end up spoiling the fabric of the carpet or upholstery. And you have to find a way of covering up those stains or repairing the fabric.

But one tactic which is more effective than doing it yourself, is calling for the service of a cleaning company. Mop and Shine offer carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning. We have highly trained staff members that can take care of such stubborn stains on your carpet or sofa. They also ensure that no harm or damage is caused from their cleaning methods or products. They use advanced tools and equipment to take care of such type of situations. They vacuum clean and dry-clean the carpet to ensure spotless results.

The benefits of carpet cleaning  and sofa cleaning:

Since carpets and sofas collect a lot of dust, this can make you ill as well as make the house look unclean so it important to ensure that these are cleaned. These cleaning services see to it that your house is completely clean. In this way you will not have to cover up any stains or dirt yourself and you can rely on us to do a professional job.